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Zavia Designs

Wall and Desk Plaque - O My Lord Increase Me In Knowledge - Arabic Text

Wall and Desk Plaque - O My Lord Increase Me In Knowledge - Arabic Text

Regular price $25.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 CAD
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Dimensions: 9.5" x 5.25" x 0.6" - 24.5cm x 13.5cm x 1.5cm
Perfect for wall mounting or desktop display.

This custom designed 3D-printed plaque features the powerful prayer from the Holy Quran:  Translated:  "O My Lord, increase me in knowledge." It serves as both a decorative piece for our homes and workspaces and provides a meaningful reminder of the importance of continuously seeking knowledge.

This plaque not only beautifies our spaces but also inspires reflection and dedication to learning. It’s a gentle reminder to strive for excellence in all fields while praying for Allah’s guidance and blessings, reminding us that true mastery and perfection belong to Him.

And say: `Lord, bestow on me increase of knowledge’. (20:115)

We should also pray:

O my Lord, make my entry a good entry and make me go forth a good going forth. And grant me form Thyself a helping power. (17:81)

Bring this beautiful decorative plaque into your home or office for daily reminders to strive for excellence and seek Allah's guidance and blessings in all realms of life.

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